The end of a year, it’s always a time for reflection for me. How’s it gone?
Well this time last year, I was setting up a business making little girl’s dresses. And then I started on the first dress. I discovered that I didn’t really enjoy it and in truth had very little chance of making any money. I’m not hugely money motivated, but I do have a business brain and making £10 for 5-6 hours work doing something I wasn’t passionate about was non starter.
So I went back to marketing. I mean why not? I’ve done it for 20 years, there has to be a reason why I’ve stuck at it this long! And it’s true, I love marketing, always have, find it really interesting & it challenges me.
It took me a while to work out my niche – I started with an easy GDPR course that helped me build my confidence. I’ve moved into the Strategy sphere and that is what I love and where I have decided to specialise – being the temporary marketing director you need to set you on your way.
But what have I learned this year?
Working for yourself means you are on your own. It means you don’t have the support of the super brains you can turn to. You have to work things out yourself. But what it means is that you have to learn yourself. You have to engage with the marketing press, read marketing books, challenge your views.
And it’s great! And for me it’s definitely made me a better marketer. It’s made me solidify my knowledge, given me the confidence that I know what I’m talking about and that I have the knowledge to get the best for my clients.
Not only that, it’s given me the balance I need in my life. It’s given me the ability to be there for my daughter and also to make the most of the time when my husband is at home. It’s not easy and many looking in might say that I should have done better. I could have earned much more if I’d worked harder.
I can’t disagree, but I’m happy and that is the most important thing. I get to use my brain in a way I wasn’t ever able to do in a ‘part time’ job which had to be junior to be able to get the balance and I get to spend time with those I love when I want.
Next year, I have to admit I’d like to grow my business and I believe I can. So here’s to 2019 and a great year of consolidating what I’ve done this year.
Want to work with me? Get in touch - sophie@sophiedaviesmarketing.co.uk